Saturday, January 14, 2012

Facebook Set To Hit 1 Billion Users By August

Love him or hate him, you can’t fail but be impressed at how Mark Zuckerberg has turned Facebook into the juggernaut that it is today.

Facebook Logo

Not content with hitting 700 million users, then 800 million users Facebook’s young CEO and co-founder could soon be celebrating reaching the magic 1 billion user mark, and it could happen as early as this coming August.

The prediction that Facebook will reach its one billionth user is, while mind boggling, perhaps one that we should have all seen coming. The Social Network has seen rapid growth since its inception back in 2006 and has shown no sign of tailing off.

According to Gregory Lyons, a senior analyst at iCrossing, Facebook’s user base growth in the UK and US has possibly slowed, or even stopped recently. After all, there are only so many people in those two countries, but luckily for Zuckerberg, Facebook is continuing to grow at an amazing rate in countries such as Brazil and India. That continued growth could see Facebook reach 1 billion users, should Lyons’ numbers be correct.

With only 3% of India’s population on Facebook and 16% of Brazil’s (compared to 49% of America’s population or 47% of the UK’s population) countries such as these will clearly contribute heavily to Facebook’s continued growth.

Facebook’s meteoric rise from dorm room to being one of the biggest tech companies on the planet is nothing short of remarkable, but it has had its fair share of bumps along the way.

Mark Zuckerberg has found himself in the middle of carious lawsuits over the last few years, with his co-founder and various others taking to the courts in an attempt to gain access to the huge swathes of money rolling Facebook’s way.

In fact, the story of Facebook’s creation is so compelling that it was even made into a movie called The Social Network though it is debatable just how accurate parts of the storyline are.

Facebook is clearly on the verge of becoming the world’s phonebook, turning itself into the way people communicate and stay in touch. Having a billion users can only help make that vision a reality.

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